Executive Coaching & Mentoring

Executive Coaching and Mentoring

You’ve created strategic plans for your business.
How about for your life or your career?

Are you ready to move forward , once and for all?

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As a successful Executive, you have a vision and strategic plan for your business.  Do you have a vision and strategic plan for your life?  For your career?

It’s time for action! Time to plan for a brighter future and to get moving. You can do it on your own … or you can work with a certified Executive Coach/Mentor to help you make the big leap and get there faster, avoid pitfalls, and get better results.

As your Executive Coach/Mentor, I will partner with you to help you:

  • Define a clear vision and milestone goals
  • Explore options and possibilities that you hadn’t thought of
  • Create your roadmap to get there
  • Develop your executive presence and leadership skills
  • Identify and overcome self-limiting beliefs and fears that keep you from achieving your goals
  • Activate your inner power to make it happen
  • Stay on track and get results.

You’ll get private one-on-one coaching/mentoring with me, based on my Wings for Women 5-step WINGS process. I normally work with my clients by phone for their greatest convenience, or we can also meet through Skype or in-person if you prefer. Packages range in length from an intensive one-day session to 6 months of weekly calls, depending on the size and complexity of your desired goals. Our Executive Coaching/Mentoring packages begin with a comprehensive Energy Leadership Assessment to quickly identify any mindset issues to be addressed.

Let’s connect and explore if executive coaching is right for you and which package would best fit your needs. Request a complimentary Consultation/Life Strategy Session by phone by filling out a brief online Request Form here.

I look forward to working with you to create the life and career of your dreams!

029 Blue-Hsu,Keiko half 196w174hYes! You CAN live a joyful life and have
the bright future that you’ve dreamed of.

Take your first step now by requesting a complimentary, no obligation consultation.





Keiko Hsu, CPC, ACC
Certified Life Coach/Business Coach/Executive Coach
Wings for Women

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