7 Tips to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

Making New Year’s resolutions is a long-held tradition that celebrates the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. With the new cycle comes a new opportunity to pursue an elusive dream or desire and to finally make something happen like starting a new career, finding your soul mate, getting healthy, buying a house, or remodeling your kitchen.

Perhaps, in the past, you didn’t stay on track after making a resolution. If so, you’re not alone. It doesn’t mean that you’re not capable of accomplishing your desired goal. Sometimes, life just gets in the way!

There are some techniques however that will give you a higher chance of success achieving New Year’s resolutions (and any other big goals, for that matter). Here are 7 tips to help you stay on track with your goals:

1) Use the Power of Visualization
Visualization is a technique used frequently by Olympic athletes to maximize their performance. It’s based on the fact that your subconscious brain doesn’t know the difference between real events and imagined events. Visualization also enables you to attract the right people and opportunities that align with your visualized state of being. Take time each morning to imagine yourself successfully accomplishing your goal. Imagine working at the new level you’re aspiring for, or having fun with your ideal mate, or getting up earlier, or easily fitting into that smaller size dress. Feel the joy of having accomplished your goal!

2) Make Time For It
You have to carve out enough time to work on your resolution or goal. It takes time to network and search for that perfect job. You can’t pass a certification exam if you have no time to study. You won’t have time to develop a new relationship or to start a family if you’re always busy working and traveling. You can’t get to yoga class if you don’t leave the office by 5:15pm. Take a look at your calendar and To-Do list, and recalibrate your priorities to make time for your new goals.

3) Make it Fun
We’re much more likely to keep doing something when we really enjoy it. Whatever it is you resolve to do, look at how you can make it really fun. Do it with a friend, do it with music, or do it with pizza. Make it into a game or contest. Whatever it is, ask yourself how it could be more fun.

4) Reward Yourself
Treat yourself to a special reward when you achieve your resolution or goal. Go get a massage, buy a new dress, host a champagne celebration, or give yourself a special weekend getaway. Whatever it is, make it something you really love and will genuinely look forward to. Your reward will then serve as a motivator to keep you focused and moving in the direction of your reward.

5) Ask For Support
Tell the people close to you what your resolution is, and ask for their support. You have to tell them specifically what support looks like. If you need someone to pick up the kids three days a week so you can get to class, ask for that. If support means you don’t want to hear anything that questions your resolution, ask for that. Declaring your resolutions to your friends and family also serves to hold you more accountable for achieving your goals.

6) Get Some Expert Help
If you sign up to work with a personal trainer, you will get to the gym. If you hire a professional organizer, you will finally de-clutter your office. If you hire a professional coach, you’ll be more committed to your big goals and more likely to achieve them than working on your own, because your coach will help you stay focused and on-track when life gets in the way. For a complimentary coaching consultation, go to http://wingsforwomen.net/consultation-request-form.

7) Join a Group with Similar Goals
Support groups or workshops are helpful when you’re looking to make big changes in your life. If you’re in the SF Bay Area and of the boomer generation, we invite you to register to attend our “New Beginnings for Women: Creating the Career & Life You Want After 50” Workshop. Whether you’re transitioning to a new career, re-envisioning the one you have, re-entering the workforce or wanting to discover something totally new, this 3-part small group workshop will help you launch a new beginning after age 50! Classes begin on Jan 23rd and Feb 4th in downtown San Francisco. Take advantage of the Early Bird discount if you register by January 10th. http://wingsforwomen.net/new-beginnings-after-50-career-life-options-workshop.

Making a New Year’s resolution is a declaration of your commitment to being the best “you” and living the life you most desire. Use these tips to help make them stick. You’ll be glad you did!

Keiko Hsu
Wings for Women

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