How are you progressing with your New Year’s Resolutions? You may have started the year with great intentions for improving the quality of your life or achieving specific goals. But by the end of January,...
Archive | Reinvention

How to Create a Vision Board to
Begin the New Year on the Right Track
Find Your Wings, and Soar!
September was a momentous month for me … my 2nd wedding anniversary to the love of my life, the 5th anniversary of my big move from the East Coast to my dream city of San Francisco, and the 6th anniversary...
Is Your Inner Critic Holding You Back? 5 Tips to Managing That Inner Voice.
“You’re not smart enough to do that!” “You don’t have enough experience.” “You’re not ready to make such a big move.” “You’re not as good as THEY are.” “You’re not attractive...
5 Tips to Boost Your Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence
When you look in the mirror, who do you see? Someone you love and respect? Someone whose talents you admire? Someone you care for and cherish? How you answer these questions is an accurate measure of your...
How to Keep Yourself Motivated through your Transition
How to Keep Yourself Motivated through your Transition Some people are able to prioritize their goals and stay focused on what’s important, getting lots of things done on their To-Do list and being...
Build Confidence After Divorce
Build Confidence After Divorce (or Any Other Big Life Transition) As we navigate a big transition such as a divorce, loss, or job layoff, there are days when we feel a strong sense of personal power –...
How to Begin Living a Happy Life
How to Begin Living a Happy Life For many people, living a happy life seems so elusive, especially after going through a major life transition such as a divorce, loss, or job layoff. The goo cheap levitra...
The Power of Positive Thinking
Using the Power of Positive Thinking to Transform Your Life After Divorce The power of positive thinking has changed my life since my separation and divorce a few years ago. It has enabled canadian...
Self-Limiting Beliefs
How to Prevent Self-Limiting Beliefs from Limiting your Life After Divorce How often do you find yourself wishing that you could move far, far away and start a new life after divorce … a life order...
Take the High Road During Divorce
Take the High Road During Divorce There’s been much talk about taking the high road during divorce, especially among people who follow celebrities whose marriages lie in tatters. Actress Sand buying...